Horse Triple Crown Lite 50#

Horse Triple Crown Lite 50#

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Triple Crown Lite Horse Feed

Triple Crown Lite Horse Feed is a pelleted concentrate for horses, balancing the nutritional requirements of forage-only diets. This is an ideal formula for "easy keepers" - horses that maintain their weight on very little grain or just on grass and hay.

Normally, a horse would need five to six pounds of grain daily to derive a sufficient amount and a proper balance of vitamins and minerals. Triple Crown Lite is so heavily fortified, you can feed a horse as few as two pounds per day. Ideal for growing horses, broodmares, stallions and working horses, as well as ponies and miniature horses.

Feeding Directions:
Triple Crown Lite is designed to be a palatable feed for horses that will provide a desired intake level of supplemental minerals and vitamins without encouraging excessive weight gains. Triple Crown Lite should be fed to horses that have a tendency to become overweight or are receiving less than 4 pounds of grain per day. Triple Crown Lite should be fed in combination with hay and/or pasture, salt, and fresh, clean water. If your horse is being fed more than 5 pounds of grain daily in order to maintain desired body condition, Triple Crown Lite is not recommended.

MATURE HORSES: Feed 1-2 pounds of Triple Crown Lite per 500 pounds of body weight per day. If more than 4 pounds of Triple Crown Lite is required to maintain the horse desired body condition a switch to another Triple Crown formulation such as Low Starch may be necessary.

PONIES AND MINIATURE HORSES: Feed 1 pound of Triple Crown Lite per 500 pounds of body weight and adjust feeding rate to maintain desired body condition.

- 50-lb bag

/ EA
1 - 39
Part Number
Quantity Available

$36.09 / EA

1 reviews for this product. Login to place a review.

Triple Crown Lite
J Simons Verified buyer
TC Lite is the perfect formula to maintain our horse with EMS. Palatable!

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