Mossout Lawn Gal

Mossout Lawn Gal

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Lily Miller Moss Out! For Lawns

Lilly Miller Moss Out! for Lawns kills moss in lawns so grass can grow into a thick lush turf. Moss grows on the soil surface in lawns where it competes with the turf, causing the grass to thin out and creating an excessive build-up of thatch. Shaded or poorly drained acidic areas encourage moss growth. Apply Moss Out! for Lawns to these areas when the moss is actively growing. Moss Out! for Lawns gallons covers 2,000 sq. ft. After applying you will see the moss turning black within hours.

- Kills moss in lawns quickly, works in hours
- Economical concentrate covers 2,000 sq. ft.
- Liquid iron gives superior lawn care results
- Apply with a sprinkling can or hose-end sprayer
- Easy application with immediate results
- 1 gallon

/ EA
Part Number
Quantity Available
$25.99 / EA


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